Fitur Hotel
This is a Historia Collection Hotel, chosen for its historical significance to the Army, the post and the nation. At Carlisle Barracks, we have 3 historic buildings; Ashburn, Washington and Cora Elm Halls. They all proudly carry the Historia Collection designation. Enjoy the unique amenities and features in addition to those offered by all IHG Army Hotels.
Layanan Bisnis
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- Pusat Bisnis buka 24 jam sehari
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Hiburan & Rekreasi
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- Panggangan Barbekyu Tersedia
Housekeeping & Laundry
- Housekeeping Mingguan
- Housekeeping Layanan Penuh
- Housekeeping Terbatas
- Fasilitas Laundry Sendiri Tamu di Lokasi
- Jam Buka: 1:00 PM hingga 12:00 AM
Layanan Internet
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- Layanan Internet nirkabel gratis untuk semua anggota IHG® One Rewards
Nilai Tambah
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