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EVEN Hotel Alpharetta - Avalon Area


Delight in the simple and delicious at EVEN® Kitchen & Bar. Our fresh and healthy dishes promote wellness on your terms. Serving breakfast from 7:00 AM to 10:00 AM and small plates and drinks from 5:00 PM to 10:00 PM.

EVEN® Kitchen & Bar

菜肴: american

位置: Ground Level

餐厅电话: 1770-869-2546

Savor the culinary delights of EVEN Kitchen and Bar, a harmonious blend of simplicity and elegance. Our menu boasts an eclectic fusion of classic and modern flavors, offering an array of options from small plates to salads and sandwiches. Treat yourself to our tempting "Crave" selections such as Belgian waffles and steak skewers or opt for our wholesome "Nourish" offerings like avocado toast and marinated olives, nuts, or healthy chips with dip. Each dish promises to tantalize your taste buds.

时间: 5:00 下午-10:00 下午


星期一, 星期二, 星期三, 星期四, 星期五: 6:30 上午-9:30 上午

星期六, 星期日: 7:00 上午-10:00 上午

提供: 早餐, 晚餐