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إلى ملفك الشخصي للمتابعة تسجيل الدخول انتهت جلستك. يرجى
EVEN Hotel Chongli

تناول الطعام

At EVEN Table, we provide both healthy and indulgent options and trust that guests know what is best for them. they maintain their balance through the personal choices they make.

EVEN Table

الأطباق: chinese

الموقع: B1层

رقم هاتف المطعم: 86-313-5699988

Balanced food for the pursuit of healthy life for you to prepare a healthy balance of delicious food, more natural special food and drinks. EVEN Bites menu with local flavor for those of you who are strict about your size.

يقدم: الإفطار, الغداء, العشاء