Fitur Hotel
The hotel features 135 suites including Studio, One Bedroom and Two Bedroom suites. There are a variety of bed styles to choose from and twin size sofa sleepers in each. All suites are fully equipped with a full-size refrigerator and microwave oven, a two-burner stove top, dishwasher and garbage disposal. There's even an ice-maker! We provide pots, pans, dishes, silverware and more.
Layanan Bisnis
- Pusat Bisnis di Lokasi
- Pusat Bisnis buka 24 jam sehari
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- Pemindai
- Pasokan kantor tersedia
Hiburan & Rekreasi
- The Eau Claire Indoor Sports Center provides a safe, healthy, and fun destination for youth and families in the Chippewa Valley and Northwestern Wisconsin. There are a variety of activities to choose from. Please call for more info.
- Kolam Renang di Dalam Ruangan
- Kolam Renang Dalam Ruang Berpemanas
- Whirlpool Dalam Ruang
- Jam Buka Kolam Renang di Dalam Ruangan: 7:00 AM hingga 11:00 PM
- Panggangan Barbekyu Tersedia
Kesehatan & Kebugaran
- Pusat Kebugaran Gratis
- The Staybridge Suites Fitness Room is larger than most hotel fitness rooms. It contains an eliptical machine, three treadmills, free weights, stability ball, movable bench, a stretching matt and more.
- Jam Buka: 12:00 AM hingga 11:59 PM
- Perlengkapan Pusat Kebugaran: Treadmill, Mesin Elips, Beban Bebas, Sepeda Stasioner
- Jenis Pusat Kebugaran: LIMITED
Housekeeping & Laundry
- Housekeeping Harian
- Housekeeping Mingguan
- Housekeeping Terbatas
- Fasilitas Laundry Sendiri Tamu di Lokasi
Layanan Internet
- Internet Nirkabel Tersedia di Kamar, Suite, Pusat Bisnis, Area Publik dan Ruang Pertemuan.
- Layanan Internet nirkabel gratis untuk semua anggota IHG® One Rewards
- Biaya tanpa kabel Standar: 0 USD
Nilai Tambah
- Kopi Gratis di Lobi
- Interpretasi Bahasa
- Panggilan untuk dibangunkan
- Penyimpanan Bagasi
- Tempat Penyimpanan Tersedia
- Mesin ATM/Tunai
- Sewa Kulkas Tersedia
- Sewa Microwave Tersedia
- Brankas Tersedia
- Notaris Publik